19 prisoners escape from Rawalakot district jail

Police say convicts of different crimes held guards at gunpoint before making their good.


RAWALAKOT: At least 19 prisoners escaped from the district jail of Rawalakot in Azad Kashmir on Sunday, local police and the jail officials said.

The escaped prisoners included those arrested and kept in the jail for their involvement in different crimes such as murder, attempted murder, terrorism and some of them had been sentenced to death, said police officials.

One of the prisoners snatched the gun from the guard at the gate and held him hostage. The other prisoners also had guns and entered into a shootout with the guards and police. One prisoner was also reported killed. 

Police said that a search had been launched for the arrest of the escaped prisoners. Security has been tightened across the district.

Moreover, the Azad Kashmir government has taken notice of the incident and ordered an inquiry to fix responsibility for the security lapse.

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