MNAs vote to increase their salaries, perks

Sunni Ittehad Council members oppose move and reject changes to law.


ISLAMABAD: Members of the National Assembly voted with majority to approve an amendment to the law to increase their own salaries and perks.

According to the amends, the travel allowance of Rs10 per km has been increased to Rs25 pet km. Similarly, unused air tickets will not be considered expired and could be used in the next year.

The amendment proposals were presented in the house by PPP leader and former minister Abdul Qadir Patel.

However, the PTI members sitting in the house under the platform of the Sunni Ittehad Council opposed the changes. They said while inflation had broken the back of the public lawmakers had no right to increase their own salaries and perks.

They said that instead of adopting austerity measures, the government and its allies were increasing their privileges further putting burden on the public.

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