WASHINGTON: Pakistan’s Ambassador to the United States Masood Khan said the plight of the people of Kashmir was even worse than that of the Palestinians, adding over 90,000 Indian occupying forces have been perpetrating atrocities and violating human rights in occupied Kashmir for decades.
He said India had been violating all international laws and conventions by violating the basic rights of the people of Kashmir and depriving them of their political, economic, social and cultural rights and there was no forum to raise voice for them in the world.
He was speaking at a seminar arranged on the eve of Kashmir Black Day at the Pakistan embassy in Washington.
Ambassador Khan said the right to self-determination was the basic right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir even if there were no UN Security Council resolutions. The UN resolutions recognized the inalienable rights of the Kashmiris to choose their own political future. However, these resolutions are yet to be implemented to decide the fate of Kashmir in accordance with teh aspirations of the Kashmiris, he added.
Ambassador Khan said Palestinians had an observer status in the United Nations, but their voices can be heard in all capitals of the world. On the other hand, Kashmir does not have a strong international voice or lobby.
Meanwhile, addressing Kashmiri leaders, the ambassador said Kashmiris must have their regional and international information ecosystem. Today truth becomes falsehood and falsehood is projected as truth and therefore, you have to have your own set of facts and data, and vehicles to broadcast the truth.
President Islamic Circle of North America Dr. Mohasin Ansari observed that the voice for justice may take long but truth and justice would finally prevail.
Renowned author and Historian Victoria Schofield in her remarks urged to galvanize civil society and raise awareness about the issue of Kashmir.
American analyst on Kashmir Col Wesley Martin highlighted precarious humanitarian situation in occupied territory stating that the entire region is facing a grave threat. He opined that the wave of violence would continue under the present Indian leadership.
World Kashmir Awareness Forum Secretary General Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai said the people of Kashmir were facing existential threat and genocide. He said the Indian government was taking steps to change the demography of the region.
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