NYC mayor visits hospital, praises firefighters’ professionalism

Mumtaz Hussain

New York: Mayor Eric Adams visited the Jacobi Hospital in Bronx New York and said this was his second visit to the medical center in a week.

The mayor said the hospital was providing best possible healthcare to the citizens and in times of an emergency its staff exhibit professionalism for which he was thankful to its management.

He said that he wanted to update the residents of the New York city about two recent fire incidents in which three brave firefighters were injured in the line of duty.

He said that the condition of two of the injured was not good but they were stable while the third was in a stable condition. These firefighters bravely tackled a fire that had broke out in a private residence at Bronx, and we pray for their speedy recovery.

The mayor said people of whole New York city greatly value the professionalism and dedication of the firefighters.

The mayor thanked the EMS members who not only reached the spot to put out the flames but also took good care of the affected residents.

The incident showed how dangerous an incident of fire is and in what professional manner the staff handled such a situation. Surely, firefighting is a very dangerous job and needs great acumen and we are proud of our firefighting personnel, the mayor added.

On this occasion, fire commissioner and other officials also spoke.

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