GENEVA: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has expressed deep concerns over human rights violations in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir
According to a foreign news agency, UN Human Rights Commissioner Volkartur has expressed concern over the situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, saying that more than 20 conflicts were going on in the world, including occupied Kashmir and Palestinian territory.
Volkertruck also called for dialogue to address the issue of violence and displacement in the Indian state of Manipur.
Moreover, Kashmiri representatives have also called for intervention on India’s actions at the UN Human Rights Council meeting.
It may be mentioned here that despite resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council promising a plebiscite to determine the aspirations of the people of Kashmir, the Kashmiris have been denied their due right to Self-determination for decades.
India continues its occupation of Kashmir by force and has deployed over 0.5 million troops in the occupied territory who have been involved in blatant violations of human rights.