PESHAWAR: Five officials of the Directorate of Intelligence and Investigation Customs (Peshawar) embraced martyrdom while performing an intelligence-based operation at Daraban Road near village Sagguu district Dera Ismail Khan on Thursday.
“During the operation, the officials were ambushed by unknown assailants in a dastardly attack and fired upon with automatic weapons. As the will of Allah would have it, all five officials embraced martyrdom in the line of duty. Despite all odds they remained committed to their mission, serving the nation with honor and distinction. Their courage in the face of adversity serves as a shining example of gallantry,” said a press release.
The martyred officials are: Intelligence Officer Aslam Khan, Havaldar Inayatullah Khan, Havaldar Akbar Zaman, Sepoy Iftikhar Alam and Sepoy Shahab Ali.
Chairman Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Member Customs (Operations), Director General Intelligence & Investigation (Customs) and all officers and officials of the Pakistan Customs Service convey their deepest condolences to the families of the Shaheed officials and unwavering support to the bereaved in these testing times.
Pakistan Customs Service unflinchingly resolves to continue to serve Pakistan and contribute to the welfare of the nation, said the presser.
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