NAB has also filed a corruption reference against Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah in fake bank accounts case. In the twelfth reference filed in the accountability court in Islamabad, it is said that Murad Ali Shah misused his powers in Sindh energy projects and funds were released against the rules.
Nooriabad Power Company and Sindh Transmission and Dispatch Company embezzled billions in the project. In the reference, 17 persons including Sindh Chief Minister and Abdul Ghani Majeed have been named as accused.
On the other hand, the accountability court fixed for reference hearing against Deputy Chairman Senate Lam Mandviwala, Ijaz Haroon and others. All the accused, including Mandviwala, have been issued summons and directed to appear on February 4.
Along with Saleem Mandviwala, Nadeem Mandviwala, Ejaz Haroon, Nadeem Hakeem Mandviwala, Abdul Qadir Shivani, Abdul Qayyum, Khawaja Abdul Ghani Majeed and alleged anonymous Tariq Mahmood have also been named as accused in the NAB reference.
The reference states that Ijaz Haroon prepared the files of the plots in Kidney Hills Falak Numa in the past dates while Saleem Mandviwala assisted Ijaz Haroon in selling the plots to Abdul Ghani Majeed.
Similarly, Saleem Mandviwala and Ijaz Haroon received Rs. 14 crore from fake accounts. With the money received in part, Saleem Mandviwala first bought an anonymous plot and sold the plot and bought shares of Mangla View Company in the name of anonymous Tariq Mahmood.
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