LAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Friday ordered the government to remove a sitting general from the post of chairman of national database and registration authority (NADRA) after declaring it illegal.
Lt Gen Muhammad Munir Ofsar was appointed by the caretaker government on a temporary basis on October 2, 2023. However, the PML-led government this year confirmed the appointment for three years.
The federal cabinet allowed the appointment under Rule 7-A of NADRA Rules 2020 under which any serving government officer in grade 21 or above can be appointed as NADRA chairman in public interest.
A citizen had challenged the appointment in the high court. The petitioner stated that the caretaker government had amended the NADRA law to appoint a serving general as the chairman of the authority. The petition said that the caretaker government had, under the law, no power to amend a law for a policy decision.
The petitioner had requested the court to declare the changes to the law and the subsequent appointment of the general as the NADRA chairman.
The court had reserved its judgment and today announced it declaring the appointment of the general as the chairman of NADRA illegal.