Stakeholders demand overcoming governance issues in LG

PESHAWAR: Blue Veins in collaboration with AwazCDS (Center for Development Services) and PDA (Pakistan Development Alliance), organized a stakeholders procession in Peshawar, to raise awareness about the challenges local government faces in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The procession brought attention to the importance of addressing local governance financial and political challenges to improve service delivery and to advocate for significant changes that will strengthen local government in KP.

The procession was attended by a diverse group of participants, including local government representatives, women, youth, community leaders, and members of civil society organizations. 

Participants discussed the allocation of funds, political reforms, the administrative structure of local government, and the critical role local councils play in governance.

Mr. Taimur Kamal, Chairman of Village Council (VC) Tarkha, said “To improve the efficiency of every tier of local government for community development, it is essential to allocate and utilize developmental funds effectively, ensuring they meet the needs and expectations of the grassroots community.”

Mr. Qamar Naseem, Program Manager Blue Veins highlighted “Women in local government face additional challenges due to several vulnerabilities. Limited access to funding, resources, opportunities, networking, and mobility hinder their ability to effectively perform their roles in the government system. Government and civil society organizations should collaborate to amplify women’s roles at the grassroots level, ensuring their challenges are addressed and solutions are implemented.”

Mr. Syed Arshad Shah, Local Government Representative stated “The current local government system offers an opportunity for youth to engage at the local government tier, where they can utilize their skills to serve the community.

The government should provide them with the necessary opportunities to get involved, enabling them to strengthen their capacity, identify challenges, and work towards addressing them to foster meaningful improvements.”

The procession ended with participants calling for reforms to address the challenges faced by local governments in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

There was a shared emphasis on empowering local councils to make decisions and allocate resources more effectively. The importance of inclusive governance, especially for women councilors and youth, was also highlighted. This collective effort showed a strong desire to strengthen local democracy and improve services for the people.

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